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SHARP 4K Frameless Google TV 4T-CFJ1I Series

Ramadhan Sale

Harga awal: Rp 5.579.000
Rp 5.199.000    Hemat hingga: Rp 380.000 

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Cicilan 0% mulai dari Rp 216.625


Sharp 4K UHD Google TV 4T-CFJ1I Series adalah pilihan ideal untuk pengalaman menonton terbaik di rumah Anda. TV ini hadir dalam beberapa ukuran layar, yaitu 50 Inch (4T-C50FJ1I), 55 Inch (4T-C55FJ1I), 65 Inch (4T-C65FJ1I), dan 75 Inch (4T-C75FJ1I).


  • 4K Resolution with HDR
  • Frameless Design
  • X5 Revelation Engine
  • Wide Colour
  • Google TV
  • Chromecast Built-In


Screen Size50" | 55" | 65" | 75"
TV TunerDigital
3D TechnologyNo
Smart tvYes
Display TypeFlat
Smart PlatformGoogle TV
Number of HDMI Inputs4
Number Of USB Port(s)2
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2. Pihak EZ Cooking Baking memberlakukan kebijakan yang ketat mengenai refund. Kelas yang sudah di order tidak dapat di-refund kecuali dibatalkan atau diganti oleh pihak manajemen EZ Cooking Baking

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4. Peserta kelas wajib melakukan registrasi kehadiran sebelum kelas dimulai.

Terms & Conditions

1. All payment with Bank Transfer must be received at least 1 hours after the order made, or the order will be automatically cancel by the system.

2. Due to staffing considerations, EZ Cooking Baking Management employs a strict refund policy. The class cannot be refund, unless the class is cancel or change by EZ Management.

3. In case you cannor attend the class. It can be transferable to other person who have HRM (Hartono Regular Member) or HPC (Hartono Priority Customer). Please show the e-invoice at the registration table.

4. Class participants are required to register before the class starts.