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Rp 2.119.000   

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1. Klik tombol "Hubungi Kami/dapat menghubungi 0817321212" untuk meminta foto / kondisi produk melalui chat.
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3. Jika setuju dengan kondisi produk, Hartono akan memberikan link produk untuk transaksi.
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FREE MIYAKO KIPAS ANGIN MEJA DESK FAN 9" KAD927_B untuk periode 22 November 2024 s/d 30 November 2024 selama persediaan masih ada.

Cicilan 0% mulai dari Rp 88.292
points Unit free dapat diambil setelah mendapat konfirmasi dari Tim terkait, apabila ingin dikirim akan dikenai biaya pengiriman.


Start™ 1306
The SINGER® START™ sewing machine includes all the basic features you need to create almost any project. Basic and decorative stitches include an automatic buttonhole, simple stitch selection with adjustable stitch length and the included darning plate allows your imagination to become reality. Easy threading and an automatic bobbin winder make set-up a breeze. A reverse lever is right at your finger tips for automatic stitch locking. Four included presser feet (all-purpose, buttonhole, button sewing and zipper) are easily accessible in the accessory storage drawer that can be removed to create a free arm for stitching in hard-to-reach areas. Stitches include buttonhole, straight, zig zag, blind hems, rick rack, scallop, and rampart.


  • 9 pilihan langsung jahitan (6 pola)
  • 4 langkah pelubang kancing
  • Pemutar bobbin otomatis
  • Tombol pola jahitan
  • Tombol pengatur tekanan benang atas
  • Tombol jahitan mundur
  • Lampu LED




70 Watts

6 Stitches

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Syarat & Ketentuan

Syarat & Ketentuan

1. Pembayaran atas transaksi yang menggunakan jenis pembayaran bank transfer harus kami terima maksimal 1 jam dari order di buat, atau order tersebut akan otomatis dibatalkan.

2. Pihak EZ Cooking Baking memberlakukan kebijakan yang ketat mengenai refund. Kelas yang sudah di order tidak dapat di-refund kecuali dibatalkan atau diganti oleh pihak manajemen EZ Cooking Baking

3. Jika Anda tidak dapat menghadiri kelas yang sudah dibeli. Tiket dapat dipindah tangankan kepada orang lain yang sudah berstatus HRM (Hartono Regular Member) atau HPC (Hartono Priority Customer). Harap menunjukkan e-invoice kelas yang bersangkutan pada meja registrasi.

4. Peserta kelas wajib melakukan registrasi kehadiran sebelum kelas dimulai.

Terms & Conditions

1. All payment with Bank Transfer must be received at least 1 hours after the order made, or the order will be automatically cancel by the system.

2. Due to staffing considerations, EZ Cooking Baking Management employs a strict refund policy. The class cannot be refund, unless the class is cancel or change by EZ Management.

3. In case you cannor attend the class. It can be transferable to other person who have HRM (Hartono Regular Member) or HPC (Hartono Priority Customer). Please show the e-invoice at the registration table.

4. Class participants are required to register before the class starts.